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5 Sources
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How Political, Economic, Social, and Cultural Issues Impacted the Development of USCLS

Essay Instructions:

Course Essay Instructions & Guidelines:
A. The body of the paper MUST consist of 5 to 8 pages of content. (The fifth page of content MUST consist of ¾ of a page of content.)
B. The content will be written in 12 point font, Times Roman Script.
C. One inch margins around the pages of the paper.
D. All pages will be numbered.
E. The body of the paper will contain NO more than 3 quoted or paraphrased sections or components.
*****No graphs, charts, pictures, diagraphs, long directly quoted information can be included in the body of the paper. See above #5 reference quotes and paraphrasing******
The essay must have a MINIMUM of 5 pages of content. NOT to exceed 8 pages of content. The 5 to 8 pages DO NOT include the Cover Page, Abstract Page and Reference Page in count. The essay will be written in 12 point Font with one inch (1) margins, doubled spaced, Times Roman Script with the pages numbered. The last page of the paper MUST be at LEAST three quarters (3/4) filled with content. (One or two sentences at the top of the page WILL NOT meet this requirement.) No design or graphics on the Cover page. No Pictures, Graphs, Charts or Power Points will be included in the body of the paper. The essay will have NO MORE than three (3) quoted or paraphrased passages/sections in the content/body portion of the essay. All specific information mentioned in the essay MUST be referenced using in-text citations (APA 6th edition format).
(Graphs, charts, pictures and articles and stories: These items can be attached as addendums to the end of the paper)
The essay MUST have 5 scholarly research reference sources. (Wikipedia and are NOT scholarly research sources. The references MUST be titled and cited using APA (6th edition) protocol.
Course Essay will be written in APA (7th edition) Format. This format will consist of the following:
Start Here:
1. Title Page: (not included in page count)
A. Assigned Term Paper Topic (stated verbatim) required information:
Course Essay Assignment: Explain how the impact of political, economic, cultural and social issues had an effect on the development of the United States Constitutional Law System.
B. Class name, number and section:
C. Professor:
D. Due Date:
*****Running Header is NOT required******
2. Abstract Page: (not included in page count)
Provide this required information.
A. What your paper will talk about.
B. Key points of paper
C. Summarized in 250 words.
*****Key Words are NOT required*****
3. Body of the paper (must be 5-8 pages)
Research Paper Rubric:
You will fully discuss and evaluate the question assigned to you, and you will explain the main points, key concepts, and included assumptions/conclusions based on cited references. 100 points.
Paper is a minimum of 5 pages, not including the Cover Page, Abstract, or Reference Page. 20 points (20-point deduction for each page under minimum page length requirement or required pages not included)
Justify or support thoughts and responses by using appropriate cited references. A preferred source for obtaining your references is the SPC Online Library resource databases that include professional journals, trade magazines, newspaper articles, textbooks, and other academic references, interviews. The paper is required to include at least five APA cited references. 30 points
Use APA 7th edition format consistently and accurately. Use and apply proper in-text citations when paraphrasing or quoting a source and proper listing of references. The paper must meet spelling and proper English grammar requirements and meet required length. The essay MUST be structurally correct. No Run-On, Incomplete Sentences. 30 points.
The essay must be submitted on time and in the correct assignment drop box as a single complete, properly formatted submission. 20 points
Total Points: 200
The Body of the Paper of 5-8 pages: (last page must be ¾ full)
4. Reference Page (not included in page count)
Provide this required information:
A. Minimum of 5 APA (6th edition format) cited references.
B. References MUST be listed in Alphabetical order
C. Reference Page MUST be on a separate page and is NOT included in the total page count.
D. Any personal interview of a ‘professional’ or ‘personally known’ information reference MUST be supported by verifiable information from credible source cited using APA (6th edition) formatting.
The paper must be submitted as ONE single document, arranged in the above listed order.
Due in Class by: Sunday 2/26/2023
Grading Criteria
Spelling: 30 points
Grammar: 30 points
Sentence Structure: 20 points
Punctuation: 20 points
Quality of Content: 100 points
Follow APA (7th edition) format
The APA format required for this assignment is explained in the Supplemental Textbook; College of Public Safety Handbook. Copies of this book are located at SPC Campus Libraries on Reserve. You can also reference Purdue Owl online for information about APA Formatted Submission/Assigments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How Political, Economic, Social, and Cultural Issues Impacted the Development of USCLS
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Professor
How Political, Economic, Social, and Cultural Issues Impacted the Development of USCLS
The paper explains the impact of economic, social, political, and cultural issues on the development of the United States Constitutional Law System (USCLS). Since the Constitution does not function in a vacuum, the above problems might have influenced its implementation directly or indirectly. For example, many delegates involved in developing the Constitution sided with specific political parties. That is why some of the demands they made were politically aligned. Those from the Southern States might have demanded the slave trade to be legalized since they were stakeholders of large plantations, and needed cheap labor. Their colleagues from the Northern States did not have an interest in slavery. The paper examines all these issues one after the other. Specifically, it starts by introducing the topic before examining the above-stated problems one-by-one in the following order: political, social, economic, and cultural issues. The most significant thing that delegates ensured is coming up with a universal Constitution that fosters the well-being of everyone regardless of individuals’ differences. For instance, the Constitution uses terms, such as citizens and immigrants, and does not promote racial discrimination. When it comes to freedom of speech and life, all individuals exercise these privileges. The three branches of the government, namely the executive, legislature, and judiciary were formed to govern the USCLS. That way, the Constitution ensures checks and balances. The federal government undertakes its functions without interfering with the power of independent states. As such, despite the effect of the economic, social, cultural, and political problems, the development of the USCLS was not adversely affected, and delegates ensured to come up with universal laws that govern all the states fairly and equally.
The United States Constitutional Law System (USCLS) plays significant roles since it established fundamental laws and guaranteed specific basic rights for all Americans. The Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia in 1787. The Constitution strengthened the federal government, which has three branches, namely judicial, legislative, and executive. In addition, it ensures checks and balances to prevent some branches to have more power than others. However, during the development of the USCLS, the process was affected by social, political, economic, and cultural problems. The paper focuses on the impact of economic, social, political, and cultural issues on the creation of USCLS.
Political issues impacted the development of the USCLS in various ways. Fifty-five delegates who met in Philadelphia in 1787, amended the Articles of Confederation, which was signed to become the first Constitution of the United States of America (USA). Political factors significantly contributed to the formation of the USCLS since states needed universal laws that would govern them to ensure that they did not act as independent countries, but rather were unde...
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