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Dealing With Office Politics

Essay Instructions:
Your initial post should be in the 150-word range and be supported by evidence from course or outside materials. Dealing With Office Politics Have you ever observed office politics? Describe the event in detail. (Do not use real names.) Were there any logical fallacies involved, such as personal attacks or the bandwagon fallacy? (You may pick any logical fallacies to discuss.) In your response, share at least one strategy or practice for dealing with office politics. you can use this source if is helpful https://www(dot)projectmanager(dot)com/blog/logical-fallacies
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Dealing with Office Politics Student Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code Instructor Date I once observed an appeal to tradition fallacy during a meeting discussing potential changes to our team's workflow process. Several managers argued that we should keep the current process the same because "that's how we've always done it" (Weber, 2018). However, dismissing ideas for positive change simply due to tradition is illogical. As the HBR article discusses, maintaining open and direct communica...
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