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Psychological Impacts of Burglary

Essay Instructions:

1 What are the psychological impacts of burglary its victims? Do you think that there should be counseling programs provided by law enforcement in regards to this type of crime? Why or why not?
2 How does one’s ethnicity, race and culture influence their victimization and reporting the crime to authorities?
3 Describe the range of services that forensic psychologists can provide to victims of crime and speculate on future career opportunities that might be available in this context.
I want the writer to answer to the above questions using the pdf I provide and other resources.
question number 1 and 2, each one should be 350 words and question number three 125 words.
please make sure you follow the instructions and submit it on time

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Forensic Science
What are the psychological impacts of burglary its victims? Do you think that there should be counseling programs provided by law enforcement in regards to this type of crime? Why or why not?
Burglary is a property and interpersonal crime where a burglar unlawfully enters or breaks into another person’s building mostly homes or commits a felony. The home is a safe place for many feel and burglaries may feel to some like invasion of safety and privacy in the sanctity of their homes (Bartol, & Bartol, 2019). Thus, there is fear, panic and anxiety related to feelings of fragility in one’s own house, in what they consider a safe place, but have had an unpleasant experience. This is especially when an individual feels insecure repeatedly and there are suspicions and fears of the burglaries occurring again. Additionally, discomfort, anxiety and continued stress may occur may be more severe when the burglaries steal or interfere with personal space or items that are sentimental.
There are cases of avoidance, which involves attempts to avoid the presence thoughts and feelings related to the burglary. Victims are likely to reported to have feeling were upset when they had related thoughts trying to avoid the places or situations that would place them in a similar situation. Sometimes there is no avoidance when burglars vandalize personal items and leave messages that can cause anger, fear and depression in the victims (Bartol, & Bartol, 2019). Besides this, there are those who move out, or install security systems to feel safer and being extra vigilant to anything unusual or suspicious persons.
Counselors and law enforcement officers have different goals, but their work complement each other and counseling programs provided by law enforcement is beneficial to victims of burglary. However, the law enforcement officers ought to work closely with counselors, psychologists or the mental health consultants as well as link up with support groups. Even though, it is a challenge for victims to receive comprehensive counseling services through law enforcement they can get assistance. Enforcement officers gather information, while in counseling there is more focus on assisting and supporting the victims of crime. The guidance of peer counselors or psychologists helps the law enforcement officers and victims of crime since the mental health professionals are better placed to assist the victimized individuals and offer professional support.
How does one’s ethnicity, race and culture influence their victimization and reporting the crime to authorities?
In low income neighborhoods that are predominantly black or / and Latino there is over policing, but mistrust of law enforcement r...
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