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Psychology of women. Views on Motherhood. Psychology Essay

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Please write 1-2 page paper (double or single spaced) answering this question: What is your opinion or view on motherhood? The PPT and book provide both pros/advantages and cons/disadvantages of becoming a mother. You can discuss your own thoughts/opinions on this topic, if you think it is for you, why or why not. Motherhood or fatherhood can result from not only having a biological child, but adoption, fostering

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Views on Motherhood
Views on Motherhood
Motherhood is a full-time responsibility that is exhausting and time-consuming. There have been many benefits associated with motherhood, but I think that most are advertised to convince all women, and men too, why it is important to have children. However, I believe that motherhood comes with its share of challenges and regrets. Mothers are allowed to highlight the former, but they cannot highlight the latter without being harshly judged. In addition, women who choose to be child-free also face their share of harsh judgment. My opinion is that people should be allowed to choose whether to be mothers or not without any judgment. This will prevent many women from being trapped in motherhood and ultimately, it will reduce the number of people who regret motherhood. Also, what is fulfilling to one person may not fulfill another. People are allowed to choose careers that fulfill them or whether to get married or not and no one thinks they are bad people depending on their choices. In the same way, they should be allowed to choose whether to be mothers or not.
Motherhood is not for me, and there are a number of reasons for this view. First, the idea that I will be fully responsible for another human being's growth and wellbeing frightens me. If a child turns out to be a bad member of society, the first person to be blamed is usually the mother. Knowing this, I would be always anxious about what kind of adult ...
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