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3 pages/≈825 words
3 Sources
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Assignment: Know Yourself

Essay Instructions:
In this assignment, you will begin your self-discovery journaling adventure by creating a leadership reflection journal. You will focus on mindfulness, self-awareness, creativity, being true to yourself, and examining attitudes to improve your leadership capabilities. Step 1 Review the module readings on the reflective practices of mindfulness, self-awareness, creativity, being true to ourselves, and examining attitudes. Research best practices for self-reflection, journaling, and building leadership capacity through reflective leadership. Step 2 Download the Leadership Reflective Journal Template and use it to create journal entries for at least three days this week. For each day, identify one situation in your professional practice for which a different response might have resulted in a better outcome. Describe each situation, then record short narrative responses to these questions for each of the five reflective practice categories: How could I have used this reflective practice to improve the outcome? What did I observe about myself in the situation? As a leader, what could I do in the future to make a similar situation a more positive experience?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Assignment: Know Yourself [Student Name] American College of Education LEAD6011 [Faculty Member Name] [Date]  Leadership Reflection Journal Day 1: [Date]Situation: [Parent Conflict] [This week, I confronted an animated parent who accosted me in the staff washrooms, complaining that I yelled at her son. The interaction aggravated into a conflict.]Reflective PracticesHow could I have used this reflective practice to improve the outcome? What did I observe about myself in that situation?As a leader, what could I do in the future to make a similar situation a more positive experience?MindfulnessI could have recognized the parent...
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