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Analyze of President Abraham Lincoln's Speech

Essay Instructions:

Consider the text of the famous speech written and delivered by President Abraham Lincoln on the battlefield at Gettysburg, the turning point of the Civil War. (printed on the reverse side of the exam.) In a thoughtful essay of several paragraphs, analyze the following areas:
What type of speech is it, and how do you know?
Who is its intended audience, and how does the wording of the text let you know?
What is the intended purpose of the speech?
What devices are used to get the audience’s attention? How effective are they? Why/why not? '
How is the speech organized to keep its audience listening? Effective? Why/why not? What, to you, makes this speech memorable? .
Read the speech over in your head, slowly. How effectively could you deliver this speech? What about its text would make you able/unable to do so?

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Analysis of the Gettysburg Address
President Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most powerful and famous speeches in American history during the Gettysburg address in 1863. The two-minute address that comprised of 10 sentences and 272 words would not only resonate and endear to the target audience but also through time. The Gettysburg address can be identified as a motivational speech in the sense that President Lincoln intended to not only inspire and encourage the confidence of the soldiers and brave individuals who had participated in the Civil War, but also to ensure that the American people didn’t lose sight on the freedom that had been acquired through the war. Therefore, Lincoln’s two-minute address was directed to the entire American nation. Lincoln was able to express his feelings regarding the results of the war and how the American people should live moving forward. “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us-that from these honored men we take increased devotion” (Peters 22). The Gettysburg address had three distinct purposes. First, it was meant to unite the country that had remained largely divided with differing views on the war. Secondly, it also served to remind the citizens on the country’s founding principle...
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