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1 page/≈275 words
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Literature & Language
Movie Review
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

I Know I'm not Alone Response Writing Assignment

Movie Review Instructions:

The one-page response assignment for the Michael Franti I Know I'm Not Alone film is to be turned in as a paper copy in class. The paper copy will be graded for form and content with comments and a final numeric score and returned to the student the following week in class. The final numeric scores for the response assignment will also be posted on Canvas.
The I Know I'm Not Alone link can be accessed from the Module tab.
Link: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=StYR4sf7UIo
Let me know if you have any question. This homework due by 2/6/2018

Movie Review Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
I Know I’m not Alone Response
I Know I’m Not Alone is an eye-opening documentary by musician Michael Franti that explores the aftermath of the war in Iraq. Franti uses music to talk to the Iraqi nationals and in the process, he gathers insights into their experience during and after the war. While I was moved throughout the film, there were moments of humor that brought a smile on my face.
It is particularly interesting how music transcends culture and language. While Franti did not speak Arabic, he found a way to speak to the Iraqi people through music. Franti composes a song with one Arabic word, “Habibi”, which means friend. It is this one song that helps him exchange stories with the locals throughout the travel. Throughout the explorat...
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