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Movie Review
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Smoke Signal by Chris Eyre in 1998 Movie Analysis

Movie Review Instructions:

Three page essay you must write the paper after watching the smoke signals movie. No internet sources are allowed and please write as an under graduate student, nothing super fancy, but with a nice flow and on point/creative enough to get me a high scoring grade. Please read and follow the directions provided in the attached file. Notice I have made notes in the margin to hint some points of interest mentioned by my professor. Though it is small print and hard to see I think it will be visible aslong as you can zoom in.

Movie Review Sample Content Preview:

Smoke Signal Movie Analysis
Geoffrey Bolton
Dr. Sharma
English 102
Smoke Signal Movie Analysis
Smoke signals is a film that was directed by Chris Eyre in 1998. The movie is one of the most fantastic movies ever acted based on the Indian culture. Thomas, a young, vibrant Indian man, lost his parents in a fire outbreak in 1976. He only survived after being rescued by Arnold whose son is called Victor. Arnold considered his son Victor to be defiant. He later leaves his family and after ten years of separation, he is reported to have died. Thomas accompanies Victor to get his father’s remains for burial. On the way, the two talks on various topics that concern them.
Victor and Thomas express real Indian cultures that many people are not aware of. Some people viewed Indians as mere drunkards, stoic warriors, bloodthirsty individuals and noble savages. Contrary to the popular belief and perception, Indians are the most joyous people in the world. The play through Alexie's, as the author, portrayed this act clearly. Therefore, as suggested by the title of the movie, this perception is entirely wrong. In the study, the characters of the two principal actors, Thomas and Victor will be discussed. Their characters will be compared and contrasted.
Both Victor and Thomas are humorous. Humor pervades their entire lives as they could still afford laughter even after being stricken by several calamities. Psychologists explain that humor is a way of casting away stress, making the positive view of life, enjoying the life and it is essential for psychological survival. Indians consider laughter to be a precious gift having lost much of their necessities through death sadness and many misfortunes.
The sense of humor makes Thomas strong even after he had lost both his father and mother through fire. Victor is also strengthened after losing his father despite the ten years of not seeing his father after his father abandoned him. The sense of humor gives them the spirit of forgiveness that is uncommon to many people in other societal settings. Therefore, to others, they seem not to have gone through a lot. They reconcile on the way creating true friendship despite the differences they had had for long. Both Victor and Thomas are confronted when the two white men took their seat. However, they back down very fast.
However, the two differs in various characters. First, Victor is very sentimental about his father. He thinks of his father over and over again. The reason his father abandoned them strikes him deeply. He was wi...
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