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Business & Marketing
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“Marketing Is Everything” by Regis McKenna

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

The aim of reading notes is to help you read critically and actively - to be engaged in the work. You will find this tool essential in graduate school so it is here we begin the habit. The reading notes will be measured using the level-five evaluation criteria and must contain the following:


Two-page maximum, single space, business block, justified margins, 10-point font
APA bibliographic citation of the work as your ‘title’
Your name, course, section number and date at the upper right Content:
Central theme - identify author’s main lesson/argument - what is the author(s) teaching us
Critical analysis - evaluate the lesson/argument - strengths/weaknesses -considering pointing to a frame of reference in your own life or your training in the subject
Main takeaways - so what and now what? How do we best apply the knowledge from this article?

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
Name Course Section Date Marketing is Everything “Marketing Is Everything” by Regis McKenna gives a detailed explanation of the essentiality of marketing in today’s world. The author depicts that transformation in marketing has been made possible by the technological advancement. Technology has enabled organizations to produce a variety of choices for customers due to programmability. McKenna further illustrates how marketing has transformed over the years from sales-driven to customer-driven and then, market-driven. The market-driven approach draws on the experience and knowledge of an organization in creating products fit the customer needs. It defines the current concept of what marketing should be and differentiates itself from the old notion of marketing. Through an extensive elaboration of concepts and examples, the author clearly illustrates why marketing is an integral part of the everyday running of institutions or businesses. Sales are drawn from relationships created with consumers. According to McKenna, the transformed form of marketing that integrates both technology and market needs offers the best solution to companies and consumers. The article richly draws the distinction between the old form of marketing and the new form that is people-oriented. The author states that “Marketing today is not a function; it is a way of doing business.” He offers an example of Gluco and Pumpco companies to show that the new marketing should be part of everyone’s job description as illustrated by the Gluco company. To Gluco, marketing meant building relationships but to Pumpco it meant selling things and gains from them. Coherently, McKenna puts together all aspects pertaining ...
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