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Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions With Biomass Energy System

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Image 1 is what needs to be written, image 2 is rubric
The template and requirements are in picture 1, there are 8 objectives in picture 1, do the 4 shown in picture 3. chart requires the more detailed the better, you need to read the whole document 1 and fully understand before writing.

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Biomass Design
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Biomass Design
It has come to our attention that greenhouse gas emissions have been a major challenge to climate change. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is essential to slow the rate of climate change and mitigate its impacts, such as sea level rise, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss (Hutchins et al., 2019). Additionally, transitioning to renewable energy and implementing sustainable practices can bring economic and public health benefits. The only way to end this challenge is to deploy a biomass boiler district energy system to heat five buildings in Haines Junction.
I am writing to request your assistance in procuring a biomass energy system for the government (Abbas et al., 2021). As you may know, we are committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and are interested in exploring sustainable, renewable biomass fuel sources to generate electricity and heat for our facilities (Rafique et al., 2021). Following our procurement policy, I request that you issue a proposal (RFP) to solicit proposals from qualified firms for the design, supply, and installation of a biomass energy system. Biomass energy will help mitigate climat...
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