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Weave Shouldn't be Stigmatized

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This assignment has five (5) required components. Your speech must include an introduction that clearly identifies your selected topic, a body with specific points and subpoints that support your topic, and a conclusion. The time limit for this speech is five (5) minutes and you should rehearse your speech beforehand so that it is close to that time without going over. Finally, your speech must be supported by an appropriate visual aid.

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Weave shouldn’t be Stigmatized
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Weave shouldn’t be Stigmatized
Our hairstyles not only define our physical appearance but also contribute immensely to how we feel about ourselves. Weave is a type of hair extension that is popular among many women around the world. Currently, many women experiment with their hair in every length, color, and texture. Instead of simply adding inches and volume to your look, hair weaves have become a way for your style repertoire to incorporate variety. Unfortunately, there is stigmatization associated with wearing weaves, despite its many benefits. Today I want to urge you to embrace weaves because it comes with several benefits, including saving time, improving self-confidence, and having different style to experiment with.
One of the major benefits that come with weaves is saving time. Compared to natural hair, wearing weavings can save you a significant amount of time, which you can use to do other things. With natural hair, not only do you need a lot of products, but you also need many utensils to style your hair to your liking. This often takes a lot of time, which could have been saved if you had gone with a weave. It is important to note that hair extensions are low maintenance (Unravel With Tolu, 2019). With a weave, you only need a flat iron, and you are good to go. In addition, unlike your natural hair, you don't have to do your hair every day if you wear a weave. I believe it is time we consider wearing weavings because it saves us an important resource, which is time.
Apart from saving time, weaves also can help you with self-confidence. You will all agree that self-confidence is integral in helping us navigate our daily lives as it gives us the motivation and energy to take actions that are ...
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