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The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education

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The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education (Small Scale Literature Review) – A literature review is a descriptive summary of research which allows you to learn more about a previously studied topic. This assignment allows you to analyze information found using a variety of sources, and synthesize new knowledge into a literature review. First, you will need to review the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education. Then, you will need to search journals and other sources that include information about the topic, particularly discussing the founding and execution of this document. Consider why this document is often viewed as the forerunner to the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Consider connections to the UN Charter and the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Find articles, read the abstracts and skim to determine whether they are useful for your review. Select at least 5 sources. Organize the articles and classify the findings and discussion points in a meaningful way. Write a mini-literature review with an introduction, body (how you organized your review and describe findings), summary (summarize the main findings), and references. Please use the APA format for your review.

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The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education
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Due Date
Inclusive education advocates for integrating all students into a unified learning environment, regardless of their learning challenges or specific needs. Across the globe, democratic societies increasingly recognize inclusive education as a matter of individual rights and a vital means to guarantee universal equal access to educational opportunities. Amid the myriad of elements that can contribute to disparities or potential obstacles, inclusive education is synonymous with providing equitable educational chances for all learners. This paper reviews the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education.
Major Findings
Every child possesses an inherent right to education, entitling them to the opportunity to attain and sustain a satisfactory level of learning. Recognizing that each child exhibits distinct characteristics, interests, abilities, and learning requirements, educational systems should be carefully structured and educational programs executed to accommodate the broad spectrum of these attributes and necessities (Magnússon, 2019). Individuals requiring special education should be granted admission to regular schools that embrace a child-centric pedagogy that addresses these needs. These inclusive-oriented regular schools emerge as the most productive means to combat discriminatory attitudes, foster inclusive communities, construct a society founded on inclusivity, and realize the goal of education for all (Pirchio et al., 2022). Furthermore, they offer an effective educational environment for most children while enhancing the overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the entire education system.
The impact of Salamanca on the emergence and evolution of inclusive education in Latin American countries, expanding its scope beyond special education to be viewed as a matter related to general education, is undeniable. This influence extends to the entire education system, encompassing all schools and participants. According to Ainscow et al. (2019), inclusion has become integral to the

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