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Barriers in Implementing Evidence-based Practice (EBP) in Nursing

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e-Based Practice Implementation
Max Points:150
1. Propose an implementation plan for the evidence-based practice proposal.
2. Propose strategies for overcoming barriers to the implementation of the evidence-based practice proposal.
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Topic 5 DQ 1
Assessment Description
What are some of the obstacles or barriers to implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing? Explain how at least one of the obstacles you have described could impact the implementation for your EBP project.
Topic 5 DQ 2
Assessment Description
Identify two stakeholder barriers you might experience during the implementation phase of your evidence-based practice project. What strategies can you implement to gain stakeholder support for the project implementation? Provide a suggestion you would give to a colleague who is struggling with obtaining stakeholder support.

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Evidence-Based Project
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Evidence-Based Project
Topic 5 Discussion 1
The evidence-based practice proposal involves the implementation of hand hygiene in the healthcare organization as part of the proposed remedy. Hand hygiene is observed by routinely washing hands with water and soap or sanitizing the hands using alcohol-based hand rubs. As a result, disease-causing bacteria are killed, and the rate of HAIs is reduced. Hand hygiene compliance dramatically reduces the incidence of healthcare-associated illnesses (Bianchi et al., 2018). Compliance with hand hygiene procedures can prevent healthcare-associated infections (Dang, 2021). The following entails the implementation plan will follow Roger's Diffusion of Innovation Theory divides the adoption process into five stages, each decided by how the nurses respond. The stages are: the innovators' stage, defined as nurses who are prepared to take chances and are the first to try a new idea; the second stage involves early adopters, who are defined as nurses who can influence others as leaders and opinion makers; the third stage is the early majority, defined as subordinate nurses who demand evidence before adopting a new habit; the fourth stage, the late majority, is defined as the doubting nurses. The last step: Laggards, defines conservative nurses who would adopt the new idea without having any other choice (Dang, 2021).
The team's ability to manage facilitators, barriers, and problems will be critical to the project's success. Leaders and the management of the healthcare organization are essential facilitators because they will provide the required assistance. Healthcare executives are considering funding new programs to improve overall care quality. As a result, building a positive relationship with management will aid the project's success. In addition, overcoming obstacles and problems is critical to the project's success. Time constraints and the healthcare staff's negative attitude toward the planned changes are key roadblocks to the project's success. Time constraints can be overcome by sticking to a rigid schedule (Dang, 2021). The unfavorable attitude of the staff can be changed by discussing the impact of the suggested steps on increasing overall care quality. Hand hygiene procedures help inpatients avoid healthcare-associated illnesses.
There are various obstacles and barriers to implementing evidence-based practice in nursing. Individual factors account for 57% of the barriers to EBP adoption (Fiset et al., 2017). The three most common individual hurdles are lack of time to study literature, computer illiteracy, and lack of fluency in English. The most generally mentioned personal barrier in various world regions is a lack of time (Fiset et al., 2017). In qualitative research of nur...
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