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Fitness Professionals and Recognition of Physical Activity

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Many people say that fitness professionals live in an exciting time because of the increasing evidence and recognition that regular physical activity is essential to a good life. Do you agree or disagree with it? And, describe the reason.

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The majority of individuals say that fitness professionals live in an exciting time due to the increasing evidence and recognition that regular physical activity is crucial to a good life. In particular, I agree with the above statement. Regular physical exercises are essential in avoiding weight gain that make people more vulnerable to chronic diseases regardless of their sex or age. First, the most significant thing is that it helps individuals to control their body weight by preventing obesity. Notably, obesity refers to the excessive accumulation of weight that leads to other chronic illnesses such as hypertension, heart diseases, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and arthritis (, 2017). Moreover, physical activities boost energy and improve people’s moods.
Regular physical activities make individuals’ muscles stronger, improves sleep, promote joint and bone development, eliminate depression, increase self-esteem, and enable people to relieve their stress. For this reason, it makes individuals stronger such that older adults cannot be at risk of falling due to weak bones and joints (Franco et al., 2015). A good sleep makes people healthy since their bodies get enough time to repair worn-out cells and tissues. As such, individuals are always ready to handle their daily activitie...
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