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Wireless Convenience and Risk

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The proliferation of the Internet of Things (interconnected devices, primarily using wifi as the means of communication) means that most individuals will be using a wifi network or be exposed to wifi networks on a daily basis. Reflect on the following:
1. What risks and safeguards are associated with wireless communication?
2. Are you comfortable (or would you use) a wireless "hot spot" to do computer work?
3. What safeguards might you use in accessing an unprotected (public) wireless communications?
4. Are you more at risk using a wireless connection via laptop or a connection via a smart phone?
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Wireless Convenience and Risk
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Wireless Convenience and Risk
Today technology is the backbone of almost every human process. Its use spans beyond socialization to communication both at a personal and a professional level. At least one individual is currently connected to a wireless device regardless of whether one is tech-savvy or not. Wireless connection is linked with cost reduction, increasing efficiencies, and making information more readily and widely accessible (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, 2020). However, challenges are also noticeable. Piggybacking is the leading risk associated with wireless connection. This risk stems from a failure to secure a network, such as having weak passwords, especially when the wireless connection is in an access point like an apartment. This risk permits users to conduct illegal activity and capture web traffic, an aspect that can aid in stealing confidential files (National Security Agency, 2021).
Wardriving is the second risk associated with wireless connection. This risk happens when a wireless connection is unsecured, making it easy for intruders to use a powerful antenna to access the connection to advance illegal activities such as money laundering that make a person suffer when authorities catch them (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, 2020). Noteworthy, unsecured wireless con...
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