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Crime Mapping

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Have you ever made note of crime statistics in your community? These days, this information is readily available online. This information is often used when people consider moving into a new neighborhood or when they are trying to assess property values.
Access the Crime Mapping website listed in this module’s Learning Resources.
Explore the capabilities of this tool by selecting several major cities where crime rates are likely to be higher.
Select one city, 2–3 crimes, and a 7-day time frame.
(Note: Not all cities in the United States report crime data to this site, so you may need to try more than one city.)
Save a screenshot of the map that is created by your selection.
Upload a copy of the map screenshot you saved in your search. In a minimum of 150 words, discuss the city chosen, 2–3 of the highest crime occurrences, and whether the crimes you selected seem to be grouped closely together or spread out. Explain how law enforcement might use this type of technology. Specifically identify how this technology may be used to prevent crime. (n.d.). ADT Crime MapsLinks to an external site..

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Response to Peers
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Due Date
Response to Peers
Kaitlin Jewel Response
In her response, Kaitlin Jewel investigates crime patterns in Gulfport, Mississippi, a topic of considerable interest due to the prevalence of crime stories in the media and on social platforms. Although you introduce your research topic and the types of crimes in Gulfport, further elaboration on the specific challenges and factors driving these crime patterns would enhance the reader's understanding. Secondly, even though you used two credible crime mapping sources (ADT and Spotcrime), providing specific examples or insights from these sources could lend greater credibility to your analysis. Additionally, you have mentioned that crimes occur in close proximity and in the same area. However, further exploration of what these patterns may imply or how they could inform crime prevention strategies would be beneficial (George, 2019). Moreover, when discussing the potential applications of crime mapping for law enforcement, you have touched on aspects such as identifying criminals' characteristics and addressing...
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