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Evaluating a Source Regarding Death Penalty

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Evaluate a Source
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Evaluate a Source
In the research paper I am writing; I will argue that the death penalty should be done away with since it is not an efficient method of preventing crime. No data can be considered credible to suggest that the death penalty is a more effective deterrent against crime than lengthy jail sentences. There is no correlation between the presence of the death penalty and reduced rates of violent crime or murder in states with and without such laws. During my investigation, I found a book by Jonathan P. Kastellec with the title: "Race, Context, and Judging on the Courts of Appeals: Race-Based Panel Effects in Death Penalty Cases." Since it uses original data obtained throughout the article's research process, I consider this a reputable source; however, the research done was biased as the author stated their personal opinion.
The book written by Kastellec has several convincing arguments since they were gleaned from sources of information. Defendants of color have a 23 percentage point higher chance of receiving relief from a panel with even one African-American judge than a panel without. This is made clear in the first paragraphs of the piece. Substantivally huge increases are discussed in detail in the article's second half. Second, there is a huge gap between the chance of a defendant getting relief and the likelihood of relief being given by a panel of three Republican appointees. Panels with three Republican appointees provide relief roughly 15% of the time, but those with three Democratic appointees grant approximately 50% of the time (Kastellec, 2020).
Nevertheless, the author expresses his opinion throughout the text, which contains personal bias. In the first part of this article, the author inve...
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