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Child maltreatment in children 0-4 that have a disablitity

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

Memo Structure
Your memo should follow the organization below and should include subheadings.
You should detail the scope of your population/issue by citing statistics detailing your population
and why it is important to assist the population. This section:
● sets the stage for your entire memo by laying out for your supervisor why your agency should address
the needs of your selected population;
● must be fact based and should contain citations rather than your opinions;
● should also be short in comparison to the rest of the memo. For example, if you had selected adults
with disabilities and wanted to focus on their vocational needs, you would state how many adults have
disabilities. You would then document the challenges of adults with disabilities in finding jobs.
Available Interventions
You should detail various interventions that have been used to improve an aspect of the
population/issue. Depending on your topic, you may have many interventions that can be grouped
together in a summary or you may have one or two standard interventions that are used. Briefly
describe the interventions. Appropriate descriptions may include whether:
● the intervention is considered evidence­based;
● the intervention has been tested on various demographic groups (children, non­English speakers, etc);
● what the intervention purports to change in a client population (improve depression, decrease teen
pregnancy, etc.);
● specialized training is required; and/or 5) the intervention is free to use.
Evidence for Intervention Use
Select two of the most promising interventions and describe in more detail how they have been
evaluated to demonstrate evidence that they will work with your client population. Explain how the
interventions have been implemented and why researchers have suggested that they are
Recommendation for Intervention
Based on everything you have written above, suggest to your supervisor which recommendation
you feel will work best at your agency. This section should be brief in relation to the other
Single Subject Design
Now that you have selected an intervention, design a single subject evaluation that you can use in
your practice to evaluate your intervention. Describe a validated measure that you will use to
change the target behavior of your client. Describe data collection and potential limitations of your

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:


Social Work Supervisor




Heather Kaluzny


Intervention recommendation for child maltreatment in children 0-4 that have a disability

Children with disabilities are more likely to experience maltreatment when compared to those without a disability (Maclean, et al., 2017). Age is a risk factor and as such, children below the age of four years need more assistance. In the United States (US) approximately 14.2% of children aged 4 years and below have a disability (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018). This implies that 14.2% of American children are at a higher risk of maltreatment and require adequate assistance.
Available interventions. The first intervention is home-visitation programs. This intervention involves a professional, such as a social worker, or a paraprofessional visiting the homes of families (US Preventative Services Task Force, 2018). This intervention has been tested on families with young children and has been effective in improving parent-child interactions. Another intervention is parenting training programs that are specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of parents of children with disabilities. According to Gubbels, Van der Put, and Assink (2019), parent-related risk factors are the most common cause of child maltreatment and as such, targeting parents can help prevent maltreatment. These programs are designed to improve parents’ understanding of child development, parent-child interactions, and parents’ attitude towards their child (Gubbels, Van der Put, & Assink, 2019). Also, offering respite services can be an effective intervention to prevent child maltreatment in children with disabilities. Often, parents may lack the capacity to deal and take care of children with disabilities, and respite care gives them a small break from the responsibility of taking care of a child (Flynn, 2019). This intervention reduces the risk of abuse.
Evidence for intervention use. Parenting training programs are some of the most effective interventions for reducing child maltreatment. As revealed by Gubbels, Van der Put, and Assink (2019), parenting training programs are effective because they can be tailored to meet the needs of a specific target group. Also, these programs can either be used to target families that are at the risk of maltreatment but have not started maltreating the child or families that are already maltreating a child. In the first case, it is a preventative intervention a...
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