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1 page/≈275 words
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Business & Marketing
Other (Not Listed)
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 4.32

Marketing and Distribution Channel Letter. Business & Marketing

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

This assignment challenges the student to think creatively.
The deliverable is a single-page letter addressed to a hypothetical website development company.
Place yourself in the role of a marketing executive in a hypothetical firm who is launching a new product that needs to be marketed.
Your firm has agreed to hire a professional website development company to market your product. The website developer needs the following information:
A brief description of the product
A description of the market and distribution channels
A description of the marketing activities
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:

RE: Marketing of Sparks Energy Drink
I wish to inform you that the management of Trusted Foods has selected your company to assist in marketing our new product, Sparks Energy Drink, through your developed online platforms. The contract will cover all elements indicated in the initial advertisement post.
The new product is Sparks Energy Drink, an improved drink containing harmless stimulant compounds such as caffeine and is intended to enhance an individual’s alertness and promote their reaction times. Sparks Energy Drink has elements that minimize steadiness on the hands. The new product also other products that help in improving mental performance and multivitamins to keep customers healthy.
The company targets markets across the country and abroad. Additionally, Sparks Energy Drink targets both young people and adults....
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