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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Reaction Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Reflection Paper on Buddha's Brain: The Self-Transforming Brain

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Write a one-page double-spaced reflection paper on Buddha’s Brain chapter 1 on The Self-Transforming Brain. the reading is attached with this

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I am.
My being is dependent on how my mind perceives the reality of the physical world. This is the main idea that I have garnered upon reading chapter 1 of Buddha’s brain. As the reading states, "When your mind changes, your brain changes, too." This statement gives us a glimpse of how we can change the entirety of our whole being by simply believing and focusing our minds into thinking that we can better ourselves.
This article gives us the insight that our brain follows our thoughts, emotions, cognition and behavior. It gives us the idea that bringing to consciousness our undesired train of thought and habits can easily affect our malleable and physical brain into developing into a better one. Our consciousness is one with our brain. Changing it then simply requires being mindful of our own personality especially our habits and unconscious behaviors.
It excites me to think that our physical brain can be hacked by means of thought and practice. As the article says, the neurons in our brain communicate via electrical signals that form a network of synapses depending on what we think of, what we do. This brings me to think that personal transformation is a matter of hacking your own system by bypassing your negativity and stepping into...
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