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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
5 Sources
Business & Marketing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 10.37

Invasion of Privacy and Security of Information/Data of Customers

Research Paper Instructions:

Every convenience that has been introduced around shopping while initially exciting and enjoyable now presents new challenges for consumers.It comes from the two broad areas - invasion of privacy and security of information/ data. Security threats can be majorly damaging in a financial sense (notwithstanding psychologicaltrauma for a victim). Given that the world is even more digital than ever,it perhaps raises some important issues.

The question in many marketer minds would be.What would be the key dimensions of trust from  a consumer view point in today's world? What shapes and impacts their attitude? It is  worthwhile to note that the digitalworld as not seen transactions reduce.What makes some 'marketers' more trusted than others in tlie context slated? What implications would there be for policy makers?

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Research Project
Since the customer's privacy and security while shopping is critical, various research has been conducted to address it. Madhusoodanan (2021) has highlighted that most consumers share their information online when purchasing different products. The main reason the consumers share their information is that they improve their experience since the company understands the customers' preferences and creates a product that fits them. However, even though sharing personal data with the company has been aimed at improving the customers' experience, other instances have negatively affected the customers. One of the reasons is that some of the customers' information is sensitive, which can cause a financial loss. This has been the main reason the government has 

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