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Society Responsibility To Curb Early Childhood Trauma

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Society Responsibility to Curb Early Childhood Trauma
Society Responsibility to Curb Early Childhood Trauma
It is undeniable that childhood trauma has lasting effects on children and it adversely affects their future social interactions. Children with trauma have trouble fitting in social circles and making friends than children who never had trauma in their first years of life. It is the responsibility of the caregivers and parents to ensure that their children are not subjected to traumatizing experiences that tears down their trust and rob them a happy childhood. Counselors have been tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the public is well informed on the adverse effects of subjecting children to traumatic experiences. They also sensitize the public on the ways to help children who have been traumatized to overcome their fears and lead a normal life. It is important for all children to have equal chances of forming social interactions independently of their caregivers. Children who have encountered traumatic experiences have shown challenges interacting and colonizing new environments without the help of their caregivers thus limiting their chances of exploration and learning. Children encounter different traumas, and each has a different effect on their social behavior. This research paper will focus on the progress made by counselors in ensuring that the public is sensitized on their responsibility of curbing early childhood trauma.
The responsibilities of the counselors
Counselors use all means possible to inform the public about the dangers of childhood trauma especially on the personal development and growth of a child. Counselors ensure that the public refrains from subjecting children to trauma and help them revise their upbringing principles to warrant their children better lifestyle. Counselors use all channels available to engage the public in forums that teach them on how to avoid traumatizing children. The process of informing the public includes teaching them how to deal with various problems associated with childhood trauma as a society and at the individual level.
Counselors also help the public to reach out to traumatized children and help them overcome those experiences CITATION Lau06 \l 1033 (Barbanel & Sternberg, 2006). Children cope differently to trauma, and they develop different behavioral characteristics after traumatic experiences. Counselors help the public to discern and respond to children with trauma in their midst. They public is also taught on how to root out elements that lead to traumatic experiences to the children. Since different children cope differently to same traumatic experiences and also cope differently to different traumatic experience, these need to prepare the public and especially the parents and caregivers to handle children exposed to traumatic experiences better. Since each case is different, counselors prepare the public to be adaptable to any situation.
Counselors also help the public to understand how to develop effective strategies to deal with trauma in every community or society. The mechanisms to deal with traumatic experiences is ingrained in cultural practices and thus the public ought to be guided in dev...
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