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4 pages/≈1100 words
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Research Paper
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The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Research Paper Instructions:

After formal assessments for determining eligibility under IDEA’s 13 disability categories are completed, school-based specialists are charged with summarizing the results to aid team decision making. In turn, specific recommendations are made to ensure school staff and family members fully understand how programming and supports should be implemented to address documented student needs. It is vital that teachers understand how to review assessment results and be an active team member in collaborating with families around the specific recommendations to be implemented. Teachers must be able to advocate for necessary programming and supports while still addressing the questions/needs of family members.
Review the “Report of Psychological Assessment: Scott Smith” to inform the assignment.
As the special education teacher, you have been tasked with summarizing Scott’s psychological report and creating a plan to help him improve his social skills and make better behavior choices in the general education setting.
Using the “Scott Smith Assessment and Recommendations Template” create a plan for Scott.
Include the following:
Summary: In 100-200 words, summarize the psychological report. Include specific data and observation information that will help guide Scott’s educational goals.
Goals: Write one behavioral goal related to classroom behavior and one social/emotional goal related to peer interaction. Goals must be measurable and include how to address the target behaviors with a replacement behavior.
Assessments: In 150-250 words, identify one informal or formal assessment method for measuring Scott’s progress with his behavioral and social/emotional goals. Briefly explain why the assessment is appropriate for progress monitoring, including how bias is minimized.
Recommendations: Based on information and assessment results in the study, in 100-250 words, include 3-4 total, specific recommendations to manage Scott’s behavior for the school, teachers, and parent, keeping information about Scott and his best interest in mind and in guiding educational decisions.
Rationale: In 150-250 words, justify your choices as an advocate for Scott. Make sure to explain how your summary, goals, assessment methods, and recommendations minimize bias and advocate for Scott's needs. Support your choices with 2-3 scholarly resources.
Parents Collaboration and Conference Plan: Compose a 250-500 word plan explaining the Summary, Goals, Assessments, and Recommendations sections to Scott’s parents in easy-to-understand language. Support your explanations with data analyses, sharing how assessment information led to educational decisions with colleagues, and collaborating with his parents to promote student success. In addition, anticipate possible concerns his parents may have, addressing each with applicable strategies. Conclude your plan with recommendations to meet again with his parents to assess and discuss Scott’s progress.
Take Home Activity: In addition, create a 125-250 word take home activity for Scott’s parents, consistent with your recommendations. Using encouraging, supportive language, outline a minimum of two engaging at-home strategies for student behavior and social/emotional improvement, considering historical and family backgrounds.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was first passed in 1975.The act is mainly focused in ensuring that children with disability have equal access to education. The Act classified disabilities into 13 categories. They include; deaf-blindness, deafness, specific learning disability, intellectual disability, traumatic brain injury, orthopaedic impairment, hearing impairment, language and speech impairment, autism, other health impairment, emotional disturbance, visual impairment including blindness and multiple disabilities (Andrew Lee, 2022). In order to address students’ needs specific recommendation need to be utilized by both the teachers and parents. Teachers should use small groups for to ensure students interact while offering maximum support. The grouping is done by creating classroom centres such as maths centres and reading centres. Parents should volunteer in the centres and closely work with teachers to assist the children work on assignments. Furthermore, parents and teachers should ensure that the children have a daily routine that is adhered to.
Report on psychological assessment: Scott Smith
Scott Smith is a 6-year 1 month old boy having behavioural difficulties that are affecting his education. The evaluation on Scott took place for 7 days. He was an average student displaying wild behaviours as evidenced when he threw a chair at another student and opteds to sit out of class activities as proofed by the Behaviour Assessment Scale for Children (BASC). Scott’s parent also confirmed the assessment as they indicated that Scott was uncompliant at home although he enjoys playing with video games. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- third edition (WISC-III) was carried out to assess his intellectual ability. He had an average intellectual ability of 58th percentile. Furthermore, as per the Visual Motor Integration Scale, Scott had 37th percentile. In the Peabody Individual Achievement Test-R (PIAT-R) he had a total score of above average in contrast to Occupational Therapy Evaluation, where Scott had below average motor skills as evidence by irregular grasp, fatigue after a minute and lack of strength in the arms and shoulders (Grand Canyon University, 2019).
In order to foster desired behaviour in class and peer interaction, measurable goals need to be implemented. While in learning, Scott will participate in at least 75% of class activities and furthermore good behaviour will be reinforced by rewarding. Also, Since Scott enjoys computers, few minutes should be allocated to play the computer video games with his peers. Resultantly, in three months’ time, Scott will have improved interactions with his classmates. Scott has taken a great liking to video games since he was a child. Moreover in fostering a healthy relationship among them.
Assessment method
The Behaviour Assessment Scale for Children is a formal assessment that is carried out to assess and monitor a child’s behaviour and emotions. BASC would be perfect for monitoring Scott’s goals since this evaluation can be carried at any time during the school year. (CPIR, 2022).This assessment comprises of various scales to monitor a child which...
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