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Three Steps of Empowerment Evaluation Paper: PICA Head Start

Research Paper Instructions:

Three Steps of Empowerment Evaluation Paper Review the section of the Fetterman text that discusses the Three-Step Approach to implementing empowerment evaluation. Write a paper applying the three steps of empowerment evaluation to an existing family life education program with which you are familiar. Imagine you are an empowerment evaluator guiding the program staff members through an empowerment evaluation. The content of your paper should be specific and include what you think the actual “mission or purpose” of the program would be, what program strengths and weaknesses would come up in an evaluation, and what staff members list as goals and strategies necessary to reach those goals. Be sure to be explicit about the three steps and to describe these in terms of applying them to a specific program. Use of reference material beyond the course’s assigned readings is not required. While an abstract is not necessary, include an introduction and conclusion within the paper. Page Length Guide: 4-6 page, double-spaced paper following APA standards
For empowering evaluation project I am focusing on the Pica Head Start program. I will discuss how the agency empowers parents and children on their lifelong journey through education. I will address how the program operates and the stakeholders involved, along with how the pandemic has affected the program. Parent involvement has not rebounded back to pre-pandemic attendance. PICA’s parent training program and Parent and child (PAC) night occur over zoom but there are only a few participants. The Men involvement program has also seen a stark decline after converting to virtual meetings. Classroom volunteering has been discontinued until further notice due to the pandemic.
Fetterman, D. M., Kaftarian, S. J., & Wandersman, A. (2015). Empowerment evaluation: Knowledge and tools for self-assessment, evaluation capacity building, and accountability. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
PICA Annual Report:

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Three Steps of Empowerment Evaluation Paper: PICA Head Start
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Three Steps of Empowerment Evaluation Paper: PICA Head Start
Empower evaluation (EE) is a critical process that has been established to assist the communities in evaluating and monitoring the progress of their program. Fetterman et al. (2015) noted that EE is a critical approach for using findings, techniques, and concepts in enhancing program improvement. It aims at pushing the program to achieve positive results. EE is effective since an organization or individual can use it. Therefore, it is easy to gather adequate information relevant to promoting success. EE is also relevant in identifying specific weaknesses and strengths in a program, thus making it easy to streamline it to a specific strategic direction. Empowerment evaluation is based on a three-step approach. The three steps are establishing the mission, stocking the current status, and planning for the future. The paper uses the EE model to evaluate PICA Head Start by considering all the elements, including mission, current status, and plans.
Mission or Purpose
PICA is a federally based program responsible for head start programs. It was established in 1969 in Hennepin county (PICA, 2020). It is an essential program that assists low-income families and has been in operation for more than fifty years. The primary purpose of PICA is to support specific families by offering training opportunities, development programs, and child development. The mission of the program is to provide a sustainable family and early childhood program that empower the families and children to:
* Promote change in the community that considers families and children.
* Create necessary partners with the partners and private institutions to ensure healthy and productive children in society.
* Support families and children in understanding their needs for satisfaction and improvement.
All the PICA activities are based on the stated mission and purpose. Besides, its strategic goals align with the mission. Mission establishment is the first step that Fetterman et al. (2015) recommend. Based on the step, PICA has established a reliable mission that allows it to enhance shared decision-making towards achieving better growth and performance. Besides, the mission also considers key values necessary for enhancing children and family growth. Therefore, it is justifiable that PICA's mission is well articulated and defined.
Current Status: Strengths and Weaknesses
After establishing the mission, it is necessary to address the program's current status. In this step, the key elements to consider are the strengths and weaknesses of the program. The step is necessary since it helps identify specific issues that must be addressed to ensure the programmatic goals are achieved. The step is also significant since it will define key activities that must be escalated for the program to succeed. Another essential reason for stocking the current status is to identify the gaps in the programmatic activities limiting it from success (Fetterman et al., 2015). Therefore, all the identified criteria apply to PICA.
PICA comprises speci...
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