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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Mexican Culture and Traditions

Research Paper Instructions:

Choose one article of interest about the Mexican Culture and write a one-page detailed discussion about their cultural rites and customs. -Include what you liked or disliked about this culture. -Cite article

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Mexican culture and traditions

Mexican culture and rites with regards to weddings have changed over time, but there are still customs which are still respected by the Mexicans. Culture is an important aspect of one’s identity and may influence people’s outlook on life, and make choice on various health care options. Even though, culture and rites in culture cover a wide spectrum of cultural aspects, the wedding is one of the events in the contemporary world, where rites and rituals are still common.
One of the common rites before weddings is the need to seek approval for the fathers, who are the heads of their household (Laborin, 2012). Even in other aspects of life, Mexican people tend to value the role of hierarchical structures in both business and family life. In other words, the groom to be and his family members go the bride’s family to seek approval, and rural areas tend to be stricter in the proposal process. It is peculiar that the bride’s father mostly pays for expenses of the wedding.
Mexican people typically choose their mentors for th...
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