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Emergency Preparedness and Response

Research Paper Instructions:

Final paper for Emergency preparedness and response course:
A 5 – 6 page research paper about the response and recovery process of a disaster/emergency that took place within the past 20 years (choose one of the six disaster/emergencies listed below). Please include information about the specific disaster/emergency, how it started, and explain the overall damage that took place, including death toll. Explain the actual response and recovery actions of the emergency management personnel, emergency responders, state, local, and federal government, as well as any other responders to the disaster. And then discuss what improvements could have been made to the response and recovery for that specific disaster/emergency. Utilize at least three scholarly and peer-reviewed articles to present as references
Pick one of the following disasters as the topic of the paper:
• Virginia Tech shooting (April, 2007)
• Haiti Earthquake (January, 2010)
• Murrah bombing in Oklahoma (1995)
• WTC bombing (1993)
Paper should contain the following:
• Title page
• An introduction 5-6 pages (double-spaced, no more than 12 pt. font) of cited research in APA format.
• A conclusion
• Reference page in APA format (Including at least three articles on disaster/emergency response and recovery)

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Emergency Preparedness and Response
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Emergency responses and disaster management schemes are becoming vital prospects in contemporary society bearing the increasing frequency of adverse incidences. With earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, terrorist attacks, and other disasters occurring frequently, emergency preparedness and responses have become priorities. However, not much success has been achieved in dealing with various disasters considering the trends of the past two decades. It is almost inevitable that avoidable mistakes occur in emergency responses and interventions. That triggers even a bigger need for responders to prepare effectively, especially when emergency responses are more prominent. This paper assesses emergency preparedness and response following the Haiti earthquake of January 2010. Assessing the Haiti earthquake through its key elements such as the scope of the damage, the nature of the response, challenges, and inefficiencies create a platform for improvement and preparedness for similar occurrences at the same place or in other places in the future.
The Haiti Earthquake
The Haiti earthquake is among the most recognizable disasters of the past two decades, bearing a range of its key characteristics. On January 12, 2010, Haiti experienced a catastrophic 7.0 magnitude earthquake (Chu et al., 2011). The earthquake's epicenter was at Léogâne, Ouest department, which is approximately 25 kilometers from the capital Port-au-Prince. A range of aftershocks accompanied the main incident. By January 24, 2010, at least 52 aftershocks with a minimum magnitude of 4.5 were recorded. Thus, the earthquake would become one of the largest ever to be recorded in the region.
The 2010 Haiti earthquake cost damages in multiple prospects. It is estimated that more than three million people were affected by the quake. The international figures indicate that the death toll estimates ranged from 100,000 to 160,000 people (Chu et al., 2011). However, the Haitian government data indicate that the death toll ranged from 220,000 to 316,000 people. The government estimates have been disputed on multiple grounds. Amidst the quake, the Haitian government estimated that at least 30,000 commercial buildings and another 250,000 residences were destroyed by the disaster (Soucie, 2018). The death toll was increased by poor housing policies and strategies in the country. Policymakers had indicated that foreign interventions into national affairs, prejudicial trade policies by other countries, and Haiti's history of national debt were the primary contributors to the poor quality of the buildings. The buildings were a primary cause of the damages experienced in the aftermath of the disaster.
The Haiti earthquake of 2010 attracted a largescale response with imprints globally. Following the occurrence of the disaster, appeals for international aid were requested by Haiti's ambassador to the US, Raymond Joseph. Ambassador Joseph collaborated with his nephew, singer Wyclef Jean to seek support from every avenue possible. In the meantime, American Red Cross immediately announced that it could not respond effectively to the disaster due t...
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