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1 page/≈275 words
3 Sources
Social Sciences
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Among Young Population

Research Paper Instructions:

As more and more research in the field of addiction is conducted, it is clear that not all progressions of alcoholism and addiction are the same. Culture, ethnicity, race, and class are important social factors that impact the course of a person's addiction problems and recovery.
Choose one special population from the reading and explain the necessary factors that must be considered and possible treatment issues this population could face.

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Differential Treatment Needs
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Differential Treatment Needs
Social factors such as class, race, ethnicity, and culture are determined to influence a person's addiction problems and recovery greatly. These factors contribute to different progressions of alcoholism and addiction among various populations. In the modern world, the young population aged between 12 to 17 years has been linked to alcohol drinking and drug abuse (Van & Davis, 2016). Intervention to save this population needs to consider various factors that drive youths to alcoholism and drug abuse.
Culture is a factor that needs consideration during the treatment process, as different cultures have varied perceptions of alcohol. In some cultures, alcohol is considered a normal drink, while in others, it is considered a drug. Successful treatment of alcoholic victims from these two cultures requires the application of varied measures. On a different point, ethnicity and national origin determine the likelihood of early exposure to alcohol drinking and drug abuse (Van & Davis, 2016). Youths from ethnic groups where alcohol drinking is prevalent are prone to become alcohol addicts (Myers, 2014).
Conversely, varied races are vulnerable to alcohol addiction differently (Myers, 2014). Alcohol addiction in a teenager from a white race where parents give children alcohol can be attributed to parental influence, unlike the blacks who prohibit teens from alcohol consumption. The United States of America is ranked as the leading n...
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