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The Role of Abortion Rights in the Lives of Women

Research Paper Instructions:

For analytical essay assignment, you are to create an essay, 750-1500 words in length, explaining, describing, analyzing and/or evaluating your topic.
The analytical essay is:
objective toned
source-based information
Essay Guidelines:
-You are to submit this essay using MLA structure.
-Organize your essay with a strong introduction that includes an introductory statement, bridge, and thesis statement.
-The body paragraphs must have clear topic sentences, evidence (either directly quoted or summarized), explanations for how the evidence fits the claim, and its significance. You should have several body paragraphs. Feel free to offer counterarguments in your paragraphs to help your information remain informative as opposed to persuasive. There should be a minimum of three body paragraphs.
-Finally, end your essay with a strong conclusion paragraph, where you connect the various parts of your essay through the reflect and project method.
-Include an MLA Works Cited section at the end of your essay for any sources you reference.
It is the same format as the preliminary bibliography.
I have attached my annotated and preliminary bibliographies, and my research proposal, as well as the 5 sources

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
The Role Of Abortion Rights In The Lives Of Women
Abortion is defined as a medical procedure that terminates a pregnancy. For almost a decade, abortion has become one of the basic healthcare needs for many girls and women who become pregnant. Globally, approximately 1 in 4 pregnancies end up as an abortion. However, while the need for abortion has become a necessity, the access to safe and legal services remains a critical issue for many women and girls across the globe (Reed‐Sandoval 5). Ideally, the access to abortion is a contested issue in the global scale with much of the debate clouded by extensive myths and misinformation about the true benefits of legalizing access to an informed, safe, and consented abortion service. In countries where abortion is legal, women and girls still find it hard to access safe abortion services due to poor health services, lack of proper regulations, and an uncommitted political will. While abortion is a highly sensitive topic, it is worth realizing that equitable and safe abortion is a fundamental human right. In an environment where abortion is safe and legal, freedom and health manifests. In an environment where abortion is illegal, girls and women seek illegal and unsafe assistance resulting in adverse health consequences. Accordingly, about 13% of maternal deaths and injuries are attributed to illegal and unsafe abortion (Asch). Abortion rights are fundamental in securing the lives of girls and women.
Safe and Legal abortion is a fundamental human right.
Right to life is protected by several human rights instruments and bodies. Evidence proves that, making abortion illegal forces women to seek abortion services in conditions that are often unsafe and life threatening. World health organization (WHO) reports that over 20 million seek unsafe abortion annually across the globe (Allotey-Reidpath, Kiva Diamond., et al.). The unsafe abortions as a result contribute directly to the death of about 70,000 girls and women yearly. However, abortion rights are a factor in as much as women and girl’s safety is concerned. Ideally, forcing a girl or woman to undergo an unsafe and life-threatening abortion is a threat to life (Asch). Unsafe abortion is attributed to the high maternal rate and any law that makes women to opt for unsafe procedures is an infringement to human rights. Article 6.1 of the International Covenant on civil and political rights (OHCHR) states are called upon to initiated measures that help women avoid any form of unwanted pregnancies in order to prevent any possible life-threatening instances.
Women rights to health are guaranteed by international laws. Unsafe abortion triggers devastating effects on girls and women health. While death might not occur during an unsafe abortion, there are higher chances or risks of long-term disabilities such as chronic pelvic pain, uterine perforation, and inflammatory diseases. Rights to safe abortion protect women from al...
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