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4 pages/β‰ˆ1100 words
6 Sources
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 20.74

Enhancing Organizational Excellence at Wegmans Food Markets

Research Paper Instructions:

The paper must be typed in Times Roman, 10 points, and double-spaced.
The opening section must be a brief history of the company.
**The content of the paper must be developed around any four (4) of the following areas listed below:
Theories of Motivation at Work in the Company
Design of a Motivating Environment in the Company
Communications within the Company
Leadership Styles at the Company (Theories X, Y, Z, Servant, etc)
Organizational Culture at the Company
Decision-Making Process at the Company
Examples of Team Work at the Company
**An outline is to be followed in the presentation of the research effort. Outlines are not required and do not add to the word count. You should have topic sections in your paper:
I. Introduction of Research Topic (including a brief history of the company)
II. Areas Covered (any 4 or more of the nine above can be used)
Motivational Theories Used in the Company
Communications within the Company
Decision-Making Process in the Company
Culture of the Company
III. Conclusion
IV. Works Cited

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

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Enhancing Organizational Excellence at Wegmans Food Markets
Wegmans Food Markets is a well-known supermarket chain in the US. It was started by John and Walter Wegman in 1916 in Rochester, New York, and has a long and fascinating past. The business has grown and become known for its wide range of high-quality goods, excellent customer service, and unique corporate culture (Wegmans Food Markets). The main points of this essay are to look at four essential aspects of Wegmans Food Markets as follows. How to create an inspiring workplace, improve communication, the company's culture, and some examples of teamwork.
Design of a motivating environment in the company
Wegmans Food Markets knows that enthusiastic people are essential to attaining business goals, so it prioritizes employee motivation. The organization uses several motivational ideas to keep employees engaged, satisfied, and motivated. Wegmans' employee motivation is influenced by Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a psychology theory that ranks five human needs from 

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