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Service Learning Social Sciences Term Paper Research

Term Paper Instructions:

act as if you participated in some sort of community service where you helped out the homeless and a homeless shelter where you helped them get to their rooms and other things people do at homeless shelters and write about the experience.


art One: The Agency and Your Experience
• Spend 2 paragraphs reminding me what you did for your service project by describing the agency you served and the ways in which you contributed. Please be specific with your description of activities, and pay close attention to the ways you were able to have direct interaction with participants in the program.
Part Two: Integration of Course Material
1 How were you able to integrate the course content into this experience? Give at least two specific examples of course material you found were related to your service and explain how they are related.
• Students typically find this section the most challenging so here are some tips:
o Think about what you would not have known/realized if you had not been taking this class while completing the service learning, or if you had not been completing the service learning while taking this class, o Try to think of ways that understanding these things enhanced your service learning experience. For example, you could talk about how course material expanded your understanding of:
(a) the circumstances that might have led families to receive services from your organization
(b) the adequacy of the types of assistance families can access,
(c) the possible consequences of the circumstances they confront, or
(d) the views of the organizations or it’s volunteers about the sources and solutions of poverty.
o You might also be able to talk about ways your experience illustrated course material, including information 1 about who is most likely to be poor, why they are poor, and how poverty impacts them. Try to think of ways that service learning enhanced your understanding of course material, o Cite specific information or concepts within course material and use references. This will make it clearer to me when you are making connections to course material. If you are not using phrases like, "According to Seccombe...” is a sign that you are not providing clear enough connections to course material. Please consult APA citation guidelines to ensure you are following proper use of source material. I am a stickler for this, so consider this an opportunity to further a necessary academic skill set You can find APA guidelines online at and citation/apa stvle/apa style jntrodudMgamAnd of course, you can always ask me!


Part Three: Evaluation the project (answer all of the questions below)
What do you wish you could have done differently? What advice do you wish you could have given yourself as you were starting the project?
Is this a project that will be useful to you in your future career? Why or why not? Will you include this experience on your resume?
Is service-learning a useful tool for helping students (in general) interact and/or understand the circumstances of low-income women and men and their families? Why or why not?
Formatting and Style Instructions )
Your paper should be a typed, double-spaced, 4-5 page paper (this is the content length, not including a title page). Please use Times New Roman 12 point font and 1” margins on all sides. Your name, title of your paper, course title and term should appear on a title page and NOT on §ie first page of text. Your title page does not count in page total. Do not double return between paragraphs. Be sure to check your margins, as 1" is not standard and usually needs to be reformatted. Feel free to use headings but do not use numbering (you should be writing a cohesive composition rather than answering a series of disjointed questions). Writing style (orderliness of presentation, clarity, and smoothness of expression) and grammar will be taken into consideration when evaluating your paper. Your paper must be uploaded to Canvas as a Microsoft Word document so your classmates can access it I will not accept papers submitted by email.
Be sure to cite properly even when you paraphrase (see the Academic Integrity section of the syllabus for more information on strategies for avoiding plagiarism)- When citing a website, rather than include the URL in the text of the paper just put the name of the organization/source and the year. For example, if you cite the Community Outreach website, (Community Outreach, 2011) is sufficient.
Include references on a separate page, not included in the length requirement

Term Paper Sample Content Preview:
Sample of Service Learning Term Paper
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Service Learning
Last week, I had a community service under the Sure Help Group agency. What I did during the help is that I assisted some of the homeless people from a homeless shelter and assisted them in getting another home to stay. The people were homeless due to the heavy rains that had occurred in the nation. They were also financially unstable, and thus they would not have a way to move out of that unfortunate state. Their houses had been swept away, and they were homeless. They had made some tents around their homestead, and thus we had to get them out of those tents and move them to another place that we had prepared for such needs people. I had direct interaction with the since I carried some of the kids that they had and also assisted them in carting some commodities. Therefore, I realized that they exhibited many predicaments, and they needed my assistance.
During the period, I was able to integrate the class readings and understand most of the predicaments that the people faced. For instance, I realized that the homeless people were so hungry. Therefore, I believed that the best thing we would do is to organize and cook food for them as we had planned. Some of them had also suffered diseases like flu since they used to spend most of the cold night outside. Most of them were also desolate and weak, making their body immunity deficient. Fundamentally, a significant number of them were suffering from pneumonia. Research findings indicate that pneumonia attacks people whose body immune is low (Du et al., 2017). Research suggests the inflammation of the airspaces characterizes pneumonia in the lungs, and most of such disease occurs due to infection and weak immunity of the body. It can also be caused by a viral infection, fungi, or bacterial infection. In essence, pneumonia was a common type of infection that affected most of the people that we assisted in getting out of their rooms and transferring them to other places. Notably, the rooms were not the normal ones but tents.
I was able to integrate most of the things that I have learned in the course by administering first aid to the people who exhibited any problems during the practice. Additionally, I understood the importance of service-learning. It offered me more opportunities to have civic engagement expertise. Therefore, I could relate to everyone during the process regardless of the social, political, financial status. I could also handle anybody irrespective of the predicaments they had gone through. Some had wounds, and I could still feel them regardless of their situation. I even believed that it was one of my best moments since I have had a passion for assisting people when they are in any predicament. I also shared ideas with different people and understood the issues that they faced while staying in a homeless shelter. It would even be easy to look for people who would support them better since I understood their problems.
Study indicates that service-learning enhances people to have the experience to work with diverse members of the community. If I did not have such knowledge, it would be hard for me to offer all the services that I provided to t...
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