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8 pages/≈2200 words
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Business & Marketing
Term Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Term Paper Instructions:

Term Paper: (Due Date: November 24, 2020): The Term Paper is the
culmination of the student's research and writing. It may differ from the
paper initially envisioned in the Proposal since, as your research
progresses, your direction for the paper may shift. It must contain a cover
sheet containing your name, the date, my name, the course and the title of
your paper. The term paper should begin with an Introduction which
clearly conveys to the reader the issues to be covered and how they will be
addressed; a well-structured main body, and a conclusion that recapitulates
and summarizes the results. There also needs to be a separate Works Cited
page with proper citation to the works researched. The Term Paper shall
evidence research by the student, should be 7-8 pages long
C. and must cite a minimum of 12 researched sources (we will discuss in class
what is and what is not a valid source). These citations should be
referenced throughout the document and in the Works Cited page.
We will cover the chapters in the following order:
AGENCY Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 38
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 35
Chapter 47
1) Submit your paper on time. I will downgrade grades FOUR points per day for
late submission.
2) All papers must be submitted though Safe Assign.
3) As a general guideline, a score of 15% or less generally indicates that there is
no issue of plagiarism. A score above 15% does not necessarily mean that the
student plagiarized. It means that I will need to analyze the score and make
a determination as to whether plagiarism was involved. If your score is above
the 15% guideline, you should review your paper to see why the score is high
and make any necessary changes. A score of 40% indicates a strong likelihood
of plagiarism.
4) A copy of your original proposal must accompany your paper.
5) Your paper must contain a separate cover sheet containing your name, the
date, my name, the course and the title of your paper.
6) You must use MLA style. I will post helpful MLA links on Blackboard.
7) The term paper should begin with an Introduction which clearly conveys to the
reader the issues to be covered and how they will be addressed; a wellstructured main body, and a conclusion that recapitulates and summarizes the
8) There also needs to be a Works Cited page at the end with proper citation to
the works researched.
9) The paper must cite a minimum of 12 researched sources. These citations
should be referenced throughout the document and in the Works Cited page
(See MLA Formatting guidelines).
10) The text of your term paper must be 7-9 pages in length. (not including
exhibits, Works Cited page or cover sheet).
11) Please proofread prior to submission to ensure there are no grammatical or
spelling errors.
12) I cannot stress enough how important it is for your term paper to be your own.
Use your own words. As I am certain you learned from the plagiarism
assignment, any time the information you are referencing comes from a source,
it must be cited. This is true EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT DIRECTLY QUOTED
FROM IT. Thus, there should be citations throughout the body of your paper
in accordance with MLA format.
13) In addition, merely stringing together a collection of quotations, even if
properly cited and footnoted, will not produce an "A" grade Term Paper. I want
to see your analysis of the concepts, facts or events reported in the cited
sources, from the standpoint of how the concepts, facts or events relate to your
chosen topic. The student's analysis must add some scholarly value to the
information provided by the cited materials
Additional information on the requirements for the term paper, including a
grading rubric, will be posted on Blackboard.

Term Paper Sample Content Preview:

Student Name
Instructor’s Name
* Introduction
The process of dissolving a partnership by one partner without the engagement of the other is usually a major challenge in the US and is also against the law. Before the dissolution is enacted there are various steps that should be followed by the partnering parties. The partners should be able to; review the terms and conditions of their partnership, engage all partners in the discussion of all the decisions regarding the dissolution of the partnership, file a dissolution form, ensure that all partners are notified and all accounts settled and closed. In this study, the major focus is on the dissolution of the partnership without engaging the other party. This study analyzes the position of the business law in the US, regarding the process of taking exclusive possession of the properties or profits of a business in partnerships. This study will analyze the position of the Uniform Partnership Act (UPA), on whether a partnership should be considered dissolved or not through the decision of one partner. The other section of the study includes; the analysis of what the partnership agreement says about the shared property or the profits, especially on the ownership interest. This study will review the case of Cline v. Grelock, C.A. No. 4046-VCN, 2010 WL 761142 (Del. Ch. March 2, 2010), where Grelock unilaterally dissolved the LLC, where he went ahead to form a new LLC with his wife, providing the same towing and recovery services. This study will examine what the UPA says regarding property rights and whether a partner can dissolve a partnership without the approval of the other, before its expiry.
* Literature Review
Chapter 37 of Business Law defines a partnership as “an associationbetween two or more persons to carry on a business for a profit”. According to the text, partners have joint control over the operations of the business and have the right to share the profits generated from the business. The Uniform Partnership Act (UPA) is a doctrine that guides and also governs the partnership and is used and adopted by many states across the US. The UPA is only effective if, partners shave not been able to draft and implement their agreement document, but the partners have agreed on the terms that they will use for the business (Clarkson & Miller, p. 705). In the US, the partners are usually supposed to become an agent of the other partner, as per the directive by the Agency Concepts and Partnership Law. The guidelines on how profits and losses shall be shared, as well as the generation and the contribution of the necessary funds, skills, labor, and assets by the partners, is defined by the Agency Concepts and Partnership Law. For any partnership to be effective, various elements should be considered, as per the directives of the UPA. The basic elements of any partnership in the US are founded on factors such as; the sharing of profits and losses, Joint ownership of the business by the engaging partners, and also an equal right to be involved in the management of the business, for all partners (Birkeland & Postlewaite, p.713). The partnership agreement ...
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