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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
2 Sources
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.37

Krumboltz's Happenstance Theory vs Holland's Trait and Factor Theory

Coursework Instructions:

Using APA 7th ed. professional, and 2 cite references (no older than 5 years), answer the following question.
- Compare and contrast Krumboltz’ Happenstance theory to Holland’s trait and factor theory. Which do you prefer and why?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Career Theories
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Career Theories
Careers, including partners, work environments, and social circles, determine our life course. They are often long-lasting, with long-term impacts. That is why it is essential to choose suitable careers when making career choices. Before choosing a career, people spend time strengthening and developing their personal and professional skills. After that, they need to consciously decide on a career choice because once they choose, it can be challenging or possible to switch careers. Therefore, one needs to have a clear and rational mind when choosing a job and be ready to utilize an opportunity, even when it presents itself abruptly, to adapt to the diverse and complex labor market.
Krumboltz and Parsons discuss two career theories that can help one choose the right career and seize the right opportunity. Parsons focuses on how traits match factors in the workplace. He argues that individuals must accurately understand their attributes, e.g., interests, abilities, and aptitude, before choosing a career (Ismawti & Iswari, 2022). They need to be knowledgeable about the job they want to choose and the labor market and understand the relationship between their traits and the labor market. Understanding oneself is critical in choosing a career. He argues that it is possible to match people with a suitable occupation, and those in the right occupation experience significantly higher job satisfaction. Once people understand how their abilities relate to the job market, they can easily find opportunities that fit their natural skills and interests. Therefore, people must und...
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